Saturday, October 22, 2011


I’ve been a trainer for a number of years. I train a number of clients of various fitness levels, whose fitness goals sharply contrast each other. Out of my fifteen years of training I’ve never been presumptuous in the attempt to train all my clients the same.
As a fitness professional, it is my duty to carefully assess all of my clients individually every four to eight weeks. The details of my clients physical goals, needs and limitations, are assessed in depth and serve as a critical component to how efficiently and rapidly my clients progress. I do this to establish the most effective course of action to assist my clients in the process of working towards helping them achieve their fitness goals, while in addition to enhancing the quality of their lives.
The fitness industry is saturated with health, fitness professionals and private trainers. What separates the good trainers from the bad trainers? What should one look for when seeking or considering the guidance of a fitness professional? The criteria are many, ranging in gender, experience, credentials, style of training, aesthetic appearance, physical ability or athletic history, and personality. All of which when you get down to it means very little when it comes to degree of experience, depth of knowledge and professionalism. Here are some very important key points that may help. Start with these questions and your well on your way to finding the best trainer for the job.
  1. Is the gender of the trainer sought after important ?
  2. Does sexual orientation matter?
  3. Would you choose a trainer who does not appear to adhere to the advise of their own expertise?
  4. Has the duration of the trainer’s experience been over 2 years? Usually the first year of a trainers experience is a transitional period in which confidence, working with a broad spectrum of clients and depth of knowledge is limited or still in the developmental stage.
  5. Does the philosophy or personality of the trainer you seek accommodate or compliment your life style, physical activity or personality? Some trainers may be too extreme or aggressive in their approach.
  6. Does the trainer have credentials or references they are willing to submit? The credentials of trainer are very important. If this documentation can not be presented, there may be justifiable cause to question the trainers level of experience.
  7. Are the credentials and professional certificates of the trainer up to date? If not, this is a clearer sign that the trainer is unorganized or not fully invested in the nature or importance of their profession.
  8. What times of day are best for you to train? Establishing a specific schedule and knowing the availability of the trainer will help to facilitate the process of establishing some specific days and times for training. Adhering to a regular fitness regime long term will assure the most success in a client’s fitness endeavors. What is the objective for having a trainer?
  9. Does anyone you know have a trainer? Ask friends or neighbors. This will help to give you a clearer perspective on which type of trainer is best and more likely to pair you with a trainer who possesses all the qualities I have mentioned.
  10. If it has conclusively been decided that having a trainer is for you and you are ready to make a commitment to the endeavor of achieving your fitness goals, you’re well on you way to finding the trainer right for you.
-WiL Turner
Copy Right June 13th, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


It seems today there is so much to do and so little time. Is it just me or has everyone forgotten how to take time for themselves?  While overwhelmed with our jobs, friends, family and miscellaneous pressing issues pulling us in all directions, it's no wonder most of us are extended to the max, over worked, underpaid and stressed out.  There are so many excuses and reasons why we neglect to take care of ourselves. Working to aquire the basic essential for most of us is a challenge within itself.  The truth of the matter is, taking care of ourselves has become over shadowed by long hours at work, a life of rushing here and there, taking care of family and household.  A minute becomes an hour, an hour becomes a day, a day becomes a month. Before we know it, a year has gone by. Never giving thought to the fact that most of the time spent, is spent catering to the needs of others. Take a pause for a minute. Take care of yourself.  To some this notion may seem a selfish act but it is an act that is an absolute must. If you want to make it to see another year. Look at it this way. If you don't take care of yourself, how can you take care of others or those things most important to you? All is not lost by taking a moment to rewind. Besides it's a moment well earned. I feel it is my duty to offer some advise on helping you become a happier, healthier, better you. Yes I am going against my philosophy at the moment but if I do it now I won't have to worry about you later.  Here are some steps to get you started on the right path to becoming a happier, healthier, better you.

1. Rest! Its ok to take a moment. Close those eyes of yours to unwind. Take 15 minutes out of the day to reflect on positive thoughts. More than five hours of sleep will do you well. I've learned to take those extra moments when ever I can. They all add up.

2. Your body is a temple. Treat it as such. Eat well. Drink enough water. I try drink no less than 8 glasses of water a day and to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbs through out the day.  A nice spa day or day of pampering won't kill you. Besides you've endured much worse. Take a day to relax.

3. Find a hobbie or something you enjoy. For me I prefer the gym, yoga or running. It gives me the opportunity to let off some steam. There's nothing like a good sweat. It gets rid of the toxins and impurities in the body.

4.Do something for someone else that you feel good about as opposed to feeling obligated to. There is a big difference between obligation and courteousness. I devote my time and experience as an fitness trainer and teacher to tutoring, local family, youth groups and organizations. Theres something very rewarding and enriching for the soul on both parts. You're giving and receiving.

5.Planning your day helps keep you organized and focused. In the end, this will help you regain some of those hours otherwise waisted trying to figure out the next move. I get distracted very easily. Every thing I do goes on the calendar. If it's not on the calendar, the priority is secondary.

6. Don't be so hasty to involve yourself in helping others solve their problems. Its ok to want to help others but sometimes the best help is to not help at all. Some time we do ourselves more harm than good in such cases. Stay neutral.

7. Be good to yourself. Treat yourself as you would want others to treat you.

8. Take a vacation. I know what you're thinking. Who has the time? Most of us think of vacationing as an expensive, extended stay somewhere foreign or exotic. I'm highly in favor, if you have the time. A vacation is a vacatio whether far or near.  There are so many places right in our own back yards to retreat to. Be creative.
9. Read and listen to your favorite music. Reading and listening to music of all kinds helps me escape as well. Find a good book, crank those tunes, kick up those feet and relax. Have a nice cool drink. Something healthy and refreshing preferably. I'll leave that to your own discretion.

10. Repeat steps one through nine and you're well on your way to a happier, healthier, better you.

-WiL T
July 25th 2011